Pengikut Setia

30 Mac 2009

Wanita Yang Beriman

"Haram bagi wanita yang beriman kepada Allah dan hari akhirat berkabung lebih daripada 3 hari kecuali berkabung kerana kematian suaminya iaitu 4 bulan 10 hari"

(Hadis Riwayat Muslim)

26 Mac 2009


Nabi S.A.W menasihati Abu Zar:
Bertaqwalah kepada Allah kerana itulah modal kamu (bertemu Allah), bacalah Quran dan berzikir kerana itulah cahaya bagimu di dunia...
(Riwayat At Tabrani)

02 Mac 2009

The Freedom to Choose

Kebebasan Untuk Memilih adalah dalam pelbagai bentuk, ia tak seharusnya disalah tafsir dengan membuat pelbagai pilihan yang akhirnya boleh membinasakan diri atau orang lain yang tidak bersalah.

Berikut adalah petikan mengenai 'kebebasan' yang mungkin juga boleh dijadikan sebagai panduan dalam mengurus 'kebebasan'.

"The interpretation of 'freedom' varies. Freedom to me is the opportunity to do things that we desire and live in the surroundings that we want. What do we know about the 'freedom to choose'? Are you sure things that you choose or decisions that you have made are basically from the 'freedom' that you thought you had all the time?

The truth is we never have the freedom to choose. Do you agree with me? Just think deeply, everything that we do and every decision that we have made are actually driven by other factors, mostly outside factors for example our family, the society, and the money that we kept, the house that we live in, the salary that we kept waiting every single passing months, friends, teachers and many other factors. Yes, it is from the heart but have you ever think that decision is actually driven by something else! I know that this is something funny to believe but somehow it is true.

Just no matter what, human are meant to choose between something they like and dislike but most of the time we don't have much to choose except the dislikes. Just imagine we never like war but we still involve in it no matter what type of war it is. Emotional and spiritual war are two examples and the most popular war would be physical war between two countries fighting over something that they never really need to fight about because they have come with a decision that they choose to have a war. Just think about it, think before we choose.,
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