The most selfish one letter word..."I“ ...
Avoid it.
The most satisfying two-letter word... "WE“...
Use it.
The most poisonous three-letter word... "EGO" ...
Kill it.
The most used four-letter word... "LOVE“...
Value it.
The most pleasing five-letter word... "SMILE“...
Keep it.
The fastest spreading six-letter word... "RUMOUR“...
Ignore it.
The hard working seven-letter... "SUCCESS“...
Achieve it.
The most enviable eight-letter word...JEALOUSY“...
Distance it.
The most powerful nine-letter word.... “KNOWLEDGE“...
Acquire it.
The most Divine ten-letter word... “FRIENDSHIP“...
Maintain it.
After a while.... which words that 'we' use almost?
BalasPadamthe word LOVE always used as...
...LOVE yourself
...LOVE your friend
...LOVE your lover
...LOVE Allah..!!!
matter of LOVE always be considered.
to teacher Ahmad Humairi,
BalasPadamWow.. what a marvelous poem... i like it...
huh great one :D
BalasPadamme form my self dun like to use I, but me. dunno y~ :D
thanks for sharing..... dah link ur blog...
BalasPadamSiapa Nak Promo Blog???
Nak Buat Apa???
Seronok kan Tak ada Hutang???
to TMUkmkd,
BTW sharing is caring isn't it?
to sharinginfoz,
sharing is caring ....
Simple tapi sungguh bermakna entri ni.
BalasPadamto denaihati,
BalasPadamringkas tu senang baca senang faham.