Hari ini hari pertama berkerja di bulan Ramadan. Secara tidak langsung hari ini juga merupakan hari tadarus al-Quran yang pertama di tempat kerja.
Kepada semua selamat bertadarus.
Semoga amalan murni seperti ini dapat diteruskan untuk bulan-bulan berikutnya.
'suka duka pentas dunia'
selamat bertadarus
BalasPadamThis is anywhere from two to three times the cost of a standard mattress.
BalasPadamThese mattress pads will lie on top of your mattress and never need to be charged and they don't ever
need maintenance. The holes allow air to flow through the mattress which not just softens it, giving it a softer and more comfortable texture, but provides other benefits as well.
Here is my blog; Mattress Wedge Reviews (youtube.com)